Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hell's Canyon Ride

This morning Jen and I took off in search of Hell's Canyon located west of Lake Pleasant. Did we find it? No but if was fun trying. We rode down hills, up hills, through the river bed. At one point we came across some cows that weren't to happy to see us! We even took some shots with Jen's 9MM at some cans. We never really saw us hit the can but when we went to get it, there were two holes so we just agreed that we each hit it once. Once we got to the top of one of the many hills, we turned around and the view was amazing. We could see back over to the north end of the lake. I was a little sore after riding for 5 hours but it sure didn't seem like we had been out that long. Thanks Jen! Looking forward to the next ride!

The baby is getting bigger and bigger.

Talk about up close and personal! Pooh was probably wondering what the heck I was doing all up in her face!


Amy said...

Yee Haw! 5 hours on a horse?? OUCH!!

Bobby said...

A horse is a horse, of course!!!